Video of our First Friday Night talk on HMS Pickle by Mal Nicholson

On Friday 5th March the wonderful Mal Nicholson spoke to us via Zoom.  Mal is a collector of pretty much everything, including historic Cars, Motorcycles and Cameras. Part of his collection is a full-size replica of HMS Pickle the ship that brought news of Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar to Great Britain and of Nelson’s death.  […]

Red Diesel Good News for boaters

Following the Government’s consultation, HMRC have recently announced that there will be no change to the sale of Red Diesel for pleasure craft in England, Scotland or Wales. When diesel is purchased Boaters will continue to declare what percentage is for propulsion, which will be taxed at the same rate as diesel used for cars […]

Association of Waterways Cruising Clubs Membership

As a member of Burton Waters Boat Club (AWCC) you are also a member of the Association of Waterways Cruising Clubs (AWCC).  The AWCC is a group of 80+ boat clubs spread across England’s inland waterways.   This means you can use the facilities at other member clubs including moorings and clubhouses, AWCC clubs also commit […]


Club Member appointed as Director of Burton Waters Management Ltd

Long-standing BWBC member John Walsh, one of the select few Narrowboaters in the club, has been appointed as a director of Burton Waters Management Ltd, the company responsible for all the off water aspects of Burton Waters including Security and the Landscaping team. We congratulate John, it will be good to have a boat owner […]

Have you had issues using or booking the tidal Trent Locks?

Our friends at Strawberry Island Boat Club have had a number of issues using the Trent Tidal locks, these have included being locked on to the Trent to find when they reached their destination no lock keeper available to lock them off; booking passage in advance only to find no lock keeper on duty. They […]


Boat Safety Examinations are restarting

The BSS has announced that Boat Safety Examinations are restarting.  If your boat’s certificate has expired the BSS are expecting you to have an examination and get the certificate renewed by 31st July 2020.  CRT will accept certificates that expired during the Covid-19 period up to that date. There is a lot of advice about […]

The Winner and the Answers to the lock down quiz are……

Thank you to all who took part in the quiz I hope you enjoyed it. The winner of a Club Burgee are… Mike and Linsey Waldron of Friendly Spirit with a score of 48 out of 60. The answers to the questions are below as are some links related to the answers, I highly recommend […]

Boating First Friday Lock-Down Quiz

To go some way to replace our May 1st Friday meeting we present the Boating First Friday Lock-Down Quiz. Send your completed answers to to arrive by midnight on Friday 8th May.  Either enter your answers in the email text or attach a Word or PDF document, don’t forget to include your name. Top […]