Just One Week to go ……

……until the grand opening of our CLUB HOUSE @ QUAYSIDE coffee FRIDAY JULY 2nd 19:00 –22:00 On Opening Night Free Glass of Fizz & Finger  Buffet      

Just Two Weeks to go FRIDAY JULY 2nd 19:00 –22:00

We are pleased to announce that the Boat Club has secured exclusive use of Quayside coffee every Friday evening during the Summer, and the 1st Friday of each month from the Autumn On Opening Night Free Glass of Fizz & Finger Buffet Food and Hot and Cold drinks will be available to purchase including a […]

Don’t miss Sunday Lunch at the Ferry Boat on 20th June

We do this most years and it is always fun, the sun always shines (well maybe not always), join fellow members for a belly-busting lunch at The Ferry Boat see the event page for how to book, numbers are limited so book ASAP.  2021 Washingbrough Lunch  

Thought Provoking May 1st Friday meeting on Plastic Pollution

A big thanks to Joel Weaver from Rotary for his presentation on plastic pollution and what we can do to help get rid of the plastic soup. The Vice Commodore, also a Rotarian is going to be working with Joel to see what we can do as a club and as individuals to help, collecting […]

Easter Quiz Winner

Five teams took part in the online Quiz, although Pirate Pete disappeared at half time, whether this was caused by technical problems or the call of his Fish and Chips we don’t know. During the first half ‘Too Much Cake’ otherwise known as Robin and Karoline surged ahead, but in the second half faltered coming […]

Don’t forget this FRIDAY is the Club Online Quiz

Join the Boat Club for a fun, entertaining, self marked quiz, that will gently antifoul your brain for life post lockdown, teams of any size from 1 upwards, friends and family welcome. A couple of clues to what you should swat up on 🙂   The quiz is for social and boating members and friends, […]

Online Quiz – Friday 2nd April First Friday Meeting 7:30 for 8pm

Join the Boat Club for a fun, entertaining, self marked quiz, that will gently antifoul your brain for life post lockdown, teams of any size from 1 upwards, friends and family welcome. The quiz is for social and boating members and friends, Almost no boating knowledge needed. Join via a SMARTPHONE, TABLET, or PC by […]