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Monthly Articles
- ‘They watched a narwhal give birth, tracked polar bears and wrestled with ice’ – Pete Goss March 11, 2025Ingia Fjord, Greenland, is a beautiful place to sail. Photo: The Reverend Bob SheptonPete Goss considers the joy of helping fellow sailors achieve their adventuring dreams and of watching them grow via modern technologyOne of life’s pleasures is to support others as they tackle their dreams and remotely sweep you aboard to share …Continue reading […]Pete Goss
- Water Bottle Fountain Fund Accepting Applications From UK Coastal Communities March 6, 2025Photo: Sea-ChangersThe Sea-Changers Foundation Fund 2025 allows communities to receive up to £2,500 for water bottle fountains on the UK's coast.The Sea-Changers Coastal Fountain Fund 2025 is open, allowing not-for-profit organisations to bid for up to £2,500 to pay for …Continue reading » The post Water Bottle Fountain Fund Accepting Applications From UK Coastal Communities […]Jenny Jasper
- How to moor your yacht (and how not to) March 6, 2025Line-handling is an often neglected skill on which the safety of your boat and crew depends when tying up. Harry Dekkers explains what to do, and what not toSailing itself is not that difficult, with a few basic techniques and rules to keep you and your boat safe, …Continue reading » The post How to […]Yachting Monthly
- Cape Horners reflect on their epic adventures at their annual dinner March 5, 2025The yacht Jonathan battles through the Cape’s notoriously stormy seas. Photo: Geoff Tweddle / Alamy Breaking bread with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Skip Novak and Jean-Luc Van Den Heede? Then you’d better be a good listener. Dick Durham is all ears at the annual Cape Horners’ dinner. There is not a sailor in the world who […]Dick Durham
- How to clean an anti-syphon valve on a yacht’s engine March 4, 2025Simple Boat Maintenance author Pat Manley show Yachting Monthly how to clean an anti-syphon valve on a yacht's engineOn sailing boats the exhaust pipe is swept up into a ‘swan neck’ to stop following waves flooding the exhaust …Continue reading » The post How to clean an anti-syphon valve on a yacht’s engine appeared first […]Yachting Monthly
- Sailing though the British winter with the Little Ship Club February 28, 2025Every month through the winter, scores of sailors sign up for the Little Ship Club’s ‘fast cruises.’ Dick Durham joins one and reports backAnd then there was light, most welcome it was, too after a gruelling drive via several motorways into the pitch …Continue reading » The post Sailing though the British winter with the […]Dick Durham
- Maintenance: Put an end to the annual chore and cost of antifouling February 27, 2025As the days lengthen and the spring flowers bloom, the sailing community increasingly turns its attention to the seemingly never-ending maintenance list that comes with boat ownershipOne of the most unpopular but inevitable chores is a fresh application of antifoul. Not only can this be time …Continue reading » The post Maintenance: Put an end […]Coppercoat
- Shared boat ownership: All the fun at a fraction of the cost? February 27, 2025The cockpit is wide, but a large moulded table offers good bracing and a large coaming to make things feel secure. Photo: Paul WyethA private syndicate, a boat club, or a charter lease? Ben Lowings compares the options for reduced-cost shared boat ownership.Many sailors dream of owning their own boat, with heady dreams of a […]Ben Lowings
- Conquering the Northwest Passage February 26, 2025The Reverend Bob Shepton braved freezing gales and ice floes to sail 6,059 miles through the Northwest Passage with his crew of four South African climbersThe Atlantic passage had been strange. The crossing from Scotland to the west coast of Greenland, or vice versa, is …Continue reading » The post Conquering the Northwest Passage appeared […]Yachting Monthly
- 15 intrepid sailors to race around the world in Mini Globe Race February 21, 2025The 15 men and women, about to risk it all and race solo around the world in an adventure that many believe is impossible. They have all worked hard to make the start line. One previously commanded an English Aircraft carrier, another swam the length of the UK and rowed the Atlantic while another has […]Heather Prentice