Summer Event!

Our recent Summer Event went down very well with a good attendance on the day (even though the weather wasn’t the best!). The boat trips went down exceptionally well under the organisation of John & Julie Varley, and were full and well attended throughout the day with donations going to the RNLI Skegness branch and […]

The Humber Cruise – Saturday 4th May – Friday 10th May

Humber Cruise – Saturday 4th May – Friday 10th May On Saturday 4th May, Four Boats set off from Burton Waters to head for a six night cruise around the Humber. Our Own Boat Carlos I, a Merry Fisher 895 (John & Julie Varley), Carpe Diem, a Sealine S28 (Duncan Roberts and Jo Rogers), Destiny, […]

Cruise on 16/17th March postponed due to Dunham Rack closure

Please note that during the exceptionally high water levels in the River Trent in January, some of you will be aware that the mooring pontoon at Dunham Rack was damaged and is currently unusable. We were hoping that this would have been repaired in time for our planned overnight cruise on 16th/17th March. Unfortunately the pontoon […]

Plastic & Litter Pick Up in conjunction with the Canal & River Trust

The Boat Club is fully supporting the initiative on the CRT website regarding the picking up of Plastic and Litter on and around our canals Gaynor Edwards will shortly be organising a group litter picking day of our Boat Club Members and friends in our local area of the Fossedyke – keep your eyes peeled […]

Happy Christmas to you all!

The Burton Waters Boat Club Officers & Committee would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024 Have a great time over the festive period and looking forward to catching up with you all!

Thanks to all who attended the AGM at David Lloyd’s

Thanks to all who attended the AGM at David Lloyd’s last night, and to those who sent apologies  – all points were passed and committee members announced at the meeting, more details to follow. Many Congratulations to Mike Waldron on a very successful year as Commodore, and all the best to John Varley taking over […]