JUBILEE SAILPAST – SUNDAY 5TH JUNE As previously notified, The Queen’s Jubilee Sailpast is happening on Sunday 5th June at 16:00. We need as many boats as possible (flags & bunting flying) to join in the parade which will circulate around Burton Waters, behind the Royal Barge The Lady (Merry Fisher). If you can, please […]
Author Archive: suvearny
Restoration work has begun on Sir Francis Chichester’s classic ketch, Gipsy Moth IV
The yacht’s new owner, Simon Oberholzer is restoring the boat’s original features, and is in the process of collecting them back from clubs and museums. Checkout the full article
BWBC renew their RYA Membership until March 2023
world-wide community of over 100,000 people and enjoy exclusive benefits https://www.rya.org.uk/
Summer Friday Night Social Club Night
SUMMERTIME IS HERE It is with great pleasure that we announce that our Clubhouse, Quayside Coffee, is now open for business every Friday evening 19:30 to 22:00 as a social event. Please come along for and enjoyable evening to meet up with friends and club members for a sociable tipple or two. If you wish […]
Treasure Hunt date change
Treasure hunt event for Saturday 21st May has now changed to a new date of Sunday 14th August.
Do not forget this Friday 6th May – club night – a must see event for all boat owners
Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations – Sunday 5th June 2022.
The Burton Waters Residents Group are arranging an event to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee on Sunday 5th June. Along with festivities on The Landings between 15:00 and 17:00 (to which everyone is invited), they are planning a Sailpast around Burton Waters with as many boats as possible dressed overall. Bunting for dressing your boats can […]
Guest Speaker – Friday 6th May – Club Night
The Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) is an inland waterways body managed jointly by the Canal & River Trust (CRT) and the Environment Agency however it covers all navigation authorities in the UK with few exceptions. The requirement to have your boat examined on a four yearly basis is mandatory in order to receive, in our […]
Torksey & Dunham Rack weekend – Cancelled
Unfortunately due to a lack of interest the Torksey & Dunham Rack weekend has been cancelled. Check out the other planned club cruises
£1 million Lincolnshire river projects underway to create ‘blue and green corridors”
A series of regeneration projects along two Lincolnshire rivers are now well underway after coronavirus caused severe delays. The work is being carried out along the River Witham in Grantham and the River Slea in Sleaford in what is known as the Slea Blue and Green Corridor project, costing £1.29million. A total of 14 projects are being […]