Club Rules

1.  Members
a)  Classes of Membership

  • Ordinary Membership

Shall be open to any boat owning persons, over the age of 18 years, registering their boat with the Club. There will be an initial one off Registration / Joining Fee plus an Annual Subscription which will cover up to two nominated members per registered boat.

Additional membership per registered boat, which may include family and friends of the nominated members, shall be made available on payment of additional membership subscription(s)

Ordinary membership shall also open to non boat owners, who may wish to join, on payment of a one off Joining Fee and an Annual Subscription.

  • Country Membership

Any boat owner who is currently a full member of BWBC, who subsequently and temporarily moves their registered boat more than 50 miles away from Burton Waters, may apply for Country Membership at a reduced annual subscription of 50% of the full membership fee. The granting of this application shall be at the discretion of the BWBC Committee.

Country Members can attend any social event organised by the club, and use any discounted products or training courses negotiated by BWBC.

Country members who return their registered boats back to Burton Waters shall be required to pay the full annual membership fee.

  • Honorary Membership

The Committee may invite any person who they consider would benefit or honour the Club to be an Honorary Member. Honorary Membership shall be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting.

b) Admission of Members

Is by the completion of a Membership Application Form, payment of the one off Registration / Joining Fee, and the payment of the Club Annual Subscription to the Membership Secretary.

The Committee reserve the right to refuse or rescind membership.

c) Membership Fees

Membership fees are to be paid within 1 month of the annual renewal date which is 1st January

2. Officers

The Officers of the Club shall be:

Rear Commodore, Commodore, Vice Commodore, Liaison Officer, Secretary, Treasurer

Who shall be supported by a Committee of at least four persons.

These Officers shall be elected annually at the AGM by a majority decision on a show of hands, with the exception of the Rear Commodore who shall be the immediate past Commodore. Four or more Committee Members shall be elected annually at the AGM by the same method. If there are any resignations during their term of office the Officers shall have the power to co-opt a replacement if it is considered necessary.

3.  Nomination for Officers

All candidates for election to any office in the Club shall be members thereof. Written nominations bearing the Signature of the proposer and seconder, and signed consent of the nominee must be received by the Hon. Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting at which the election is to be held.

4.  Designation and Duties of Officers

(a)     Rear Commodore

The Rear Commodores responsibilities are to stand in for the Commodore when he/she is unable to attend an event

(a)      Commodore

The Commodore shall be the Chair and Chief Executive of the Club and

Heads the organisation of events

Calls and Chairs meetings and arranges venues

Writes reports for Newsletter and AGM

Accompanies and when possible, depending on cruise area, leads cruises.

(b)      Vice Commodore

Liaises with and deputises for the Commodore

Accountable for organisation of events and cruises

Arranges winter talks and meetings

Accompanies and when possible, depending on cruise area, leads cruises

(c)      Liaison Officer

Conduct Business correspondence to Boat Clubs, Marinas, Public Bodies, River users and rally


Aims to maintain and increase Club Membership

Sends communications posters and information to Members

Updates Notice Boards

In conjunction with Commodore and Vice Commodore approaches various outlets with a view to obtaining

Members Benefits

Informs Members of such Club Benefits.

(d)      Honorary Secretary

Shall keep minutes of the AGM and any other meetings where a vote is required by the members present to reach a decision on a specific subject.

Have custody of all Club Official Documents

Shall hold and maintain a current list of all Members, addresses and boats

Maintains and updates Email listing

Collects Registration Fees and Annual Subscriptions from members.

Ensures details of income are recorded and monies passed to Treasurer

Issue receipts for fees and annual subscriptions

Issues Membership Cards

 (e)      Treasurer

Records and Banks Club monies to the nominated Club Bank Account

Pays accounts and invoices approved by the Club Officers

Co-signatory with another appointed nominee of cheques issued on behalf of the Club.

Keep an accurate record of Club accounts for review

Arranges Club insurance as may be required

Presents Club accounts at the AGM.

Arranges independent Audit of Club Accounts (Accounts to be audited by one Club Officer and one non committee Club Member, appointed as Auditor by the Membership)

Click Here for the Constitution page.

Should you require any further information or assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.