We are in receipt of the following email from Rebecca Linney, Harbourmaster at the Brayford Pool.
Please consider clicking on the link and leaving your feedback:
As you are all aware, following the very successful first phases of the Greening Brayford Pool Project, we are hoping to deliver the next phase, including installation of floating islands/ecosystems along the northern bank of the Brayford between Wagamama and the Student Union Barge, as soon as we can raise the necessary funds.
To secure funding, we need evidence of public support and have been working closely with City of Lincoln Council over the summer to promote the project.
With that in mind we have had some visualisations created to show how the norther bank could look following the next phase, and there have been a number of posts on Social Media – see screenshot attached which includes the visualisations as well as the survey for people to have their say – Please copy and paste the live link to survey here:
Please do go on-line and fill in the survey and share with anyone you think might be interested. We have also had some fliers printed with the survey link accessed via QR code which are being distributed to offices/businesses around the city and the Brayford in particular.