Please be aware of the increasing issue of theft of outboard engines as advised by our insurers – with 5 steps you can take to help keep yours safe and secure
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Reported incidents of Outboard Engine thefts are rising…As we enter the busiest period of the year for the majority of Gallagher RYA Combined policyholders, it is important that you are all aware of a concerning rise in recent weeks of incidents resulting in the theft of outboard engines – causing a logistical nightmare for those organisations concerned in the aftermath and when faced with busy summer programmes.
Gallagher recommend that you remain extremely vigilant at this time as intent thieves will think nothing of breaking into secure buildings or compounds to remove outboard engines, nor cutting the back of a boat away to remove its engine.
Here are Gallagher’s top five ways in which you can minimise the potential for such losses and consequential disruption for your organisation:
Always ensure that engines are kept in secure/enclosed premises and, where possible, keep engines out of sight and within locked buildings/containers when not in use – particularly overnight.
Ensure that the most secure and suitable anti-theft device in addition to its normal method of attachment is installed to the engine (and fit more than one if you are able to do so) as the more obviously secure the engine is, the more it may deter the thief.
Make your engine unique – use brightly coloured covers or mark it so it stands out (markings can include a postcode or a club identification). The more difficult you make it for a thief to sell the greater the deterrent.
Consider upgrading physical security to your site – to include CCTV and ensure that perimeter fencing/walls and gates are as robust as possible.
Adopt a common sense approach – you will know better than most when something suspicious or out of the ordinary has occurred at your premises. Don’t ignore your instincts – be observant, alert and report anything suspicious immediately to the police.