Thanks to all members who attended the AGM last night and for passing all the proposals on the evening.
The minutes will be uploaded shortly on to the website for you to read.
Two awards were made last night:
Firstly the Commodores Award – this is made to the individual/s who have supported and been the most help to the Commodore in his acting year.
This year the award was made to not one but two people – Barry & Ann Jopson, not only in recognition of all their hard work over the last 12 months, but for the massive role they have played in the Boat Club, from starting it some 13 years ago and for all their hard work leading and supporting the Committee and the Club over that time. Barry and Ann have decided to step down and have a well earned rest from Committee business at the end of this year, but will remain active and supportive Boat Club Members moving forward. We look forward to enjoying Boat Club events and socialising with them in the future.
The second award of the night was ‘Cruiser of the Year’ and was made by Mike Waldron to our commodore John & his wife Julie Varley (not necessarily in that order!). This award recognises the amount of cruises that they have both undertaken this year with the Boat Club on organised cruises as part of our events programme.
Finally it was sadly noted that we have recently lost a much valued Boat Club Member and dear friend with the very sad passing of Steve Hagger. Steve unfortunately lost a very brave fight with Cancer recently, and his massive personality and presence will be a big loss to his many friends at the Boat Club and indeed all this friends at Burton Waters. The club extends its sincere condolences to Steve’s wife Inna and all their family – Steve will be very much missed by us all