Would all members wishing to take part in the Club Cruise---in company, to Newark, Farndon, Gunthorpe and Nottingham during Spring Bank Holiday Week, please apply ASAP.
Places are limited due to mooring facilities en-route.
ITINERARY. Cruising Time.
Sat 25th May. B.W. to Cromwell Lock. 5 Hrs.
Sun 26th. Cromwell to Farndon. 3 Hrs.
Mon 27th. Farndon to Gunthorpe. 3 Hrs.
Tues 28th. Gunthorpe to County Hall Nottingham. 4 Hrs.
Wed 29th. Nottingham to Gunthorpe. 4 Hrs.
Thurs 30th. Gunthorpe to Farndon. 3 Hrs.
Fri 31st. Day Off.
Sat 1st June. Farndon to Torksey. 5 Hrs.
Sun 2nd. Torksey to BW. 2 Hrs.
Apply now to cruising@burtonwatersboatclub