In a continued effort to keep you informed we have added new pages to the website to allow you to easily gather information on flood warnings and news from the RYA.
See the links here or go to the 'Navigation' menu to review.
Additionally when notices are added to the front page that are date sensitive it is easy for them to move down the page as new ones are added, this means they are not always easy to find. Therefore we have added a new Notices page that has information that may cover a period of time, for example scheduled work on the river Trent until March 2018. This means that relevant notices can be seen in the left hand side bar on the front page, there is also a Notice Board accessible through the 'Club Area' menu.
We continue to strive to make the website your first port of call for everything to do with your boating life, if you can think of anything else that may add benefit to the members then please let the committee know through the contact page or email.