Torksey lock notice

Notice Alert

Intersection of:

Lock 1, Torksey Lock to Lock 1, Torksey Lock on Fossdyke Canal


Lock 4, Boston Lock to Lock 4, Boston Lock on River Witham

Friday 8 November 2019 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Water resources

Original message:

Due to the increase of water between Torksey Lock 1 on the Fossdyke Canal and Boston Lock 4 on the River  Witham, we advise customers not to travel along these sections of navigations until further notice.

We have been informed that some of the locks are now partly under water and so we are strongly advising that it is not currently safe to travel.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Posted in Information, Navigation.